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Using AI to Speed Up Your Freelance Proposal Writing and Win More Jobs

Freelance job proposals can be time-consuming and tedious to write, and it takes valuable time away from other tasks. Read this article to learn how Autocreate's AI Freelance Job Proposals generator can help you streamline your proposal-writing process and make it easier to write effective proposals quickly.

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Sim Tzu Jye

February 11, 2023

Using AI to Speed Up Your Freelance Proposal Writing and Win More Jobs
In today's competitive freelance market, using AI to speed up your proposal writing could be the key to winning project bids. By leveraging AI technology, freelancers can quickly create better-structured and more persuasive documents to increase the likelihood of convincing a potential client to choose their services. Not only does AI-assisted proposal writing save freelancers time and energy, but it also helps to create an engaging, persuasive pitch that helps set them apart from their competition.

What makes a proposal standout?

A single freelance job can get 100+ proposals, making it essential for you to present a proposal that makes you stand out. Putting together an outstanding proposal is a key element to succeeding as a freelancer.
  • Understanding what is required of you in the job: Put yourself in the client's shoes. If you can anticipate their needs, you’ll be ahead of the competition. Research their company and industry and understand their challenges. From the client’s perspective, the point of your proposal is finding the freelancer that can best help them. When you quickly get to the issues the client really cares about, you significantly increase your chances of landing that job.
  • Identify yourself and your skills. Make your profile stand out by highlighting your knowledge, skills, experience, and past successes.
  • Explain the value you bring. Show the client why you’re the best candidate for the job by focusing on the results you’ll deliver and highlighting any successes you’ve had on similar projects.
  • Articulate a straightforward plan. Show the client the specifics of how you’ll complete the project, detailing goals, tasks, deadlines, and milestones.

Using AI to Speed Up Your Freelance Proposal Writing and Win More Jobs

Autocreate's Freelance Job Proposals feature can analyze and understand job posts, and generate proposals tailored to the specific needs of each potential client. Follow the steps below to create a winning freelance job proposal.

Step 1: Fill in freelance job description and your experience

We will use the following freelance job description as an example:

Job Title: Logo Design for Technology Startup

Description: We are a newly-founded technology startup in need of a logo design that captures the energy and creativity of our company. The design should be unique, leave a lasting impression and serve as a representation of our brand for years to come. We are open to working with experienced and student designers, so please include a portfolio or a sample of your best work. Thank you!

Next, fill in your experience or skills that makes you an ideal candidate for the jobPro Tip: After entering freelance job description, use Suggest Helper to suggest a list of skills/experience that positions you as an ideal candidate for the job. Remove or add any relevant skills/experience that you want.Here's the example skills/experience that we will go with:

• Prior experience in analysing and interpreting social media activities
• Demonstrable problem-solving skills
• Proven ability to communicate ideas and plans effectively
• Attention to detail
• Knowledge of different social media platforms, such as Twitter and Instagram
• Familiarity with the industry and related terminology
• Passionate about online conversations and engagement
• Ability to identify how different audiences and experts interact on different social media platforms

Here's what it looks like in the actual app:
Autocreate's Freelance Job Proposals Feature that helps to create job proposals in seconds
After filling in the required fields, hit "Autocreate" and a proposal will be created in a few seconds.Here's the generated output:
Autocreate's Freelance Job Proposals Feature that helps to create job proposals in seconds

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the Logo Design for Technology Start-up position. Having come across your posting, I am confident that I possess the required skill and expertise to fulfill the job requirements.

I believe my qualifications and experience are a perfect fit for the position. I have been researching and designing logos for the past three years and I understand the importance of creating unique and creative designs that will make a lasting impression. My work has been featured on various online platforms and I have a portfolio of well executed logo designs.

I am familiar with the industry and have a good understanding of the different social media platforms, terminology and audiences. I am confident that I can incorporate the client’s vision into a logo design that they will be proud of.

If given the opportunity, I am confident that I can exceed your expectations. Please find attached my portfolio and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions. I would welcome the possibility to further discuss my candidacy.

Thank you for your consideration.

[Your name]

Step 2: Generate a plan to complete to job

As we've stated earlier, a winning job proposal comes with a straight forward plan to complete the job. Let's use Autocreate's Freelance Job Plans feature to generate a plan in seconds.Fill in the freelance job and hit "Autocreate":
Autocreate's Freelance Job Plans Feature that helps to create job completion plans in seconds
After a few seconds, you get a well crafted breakdown of the job and a plan completed with deadlines and milestones.
Autocreate's Freelance Job Plans Feature that helps to create job completion plans in seconds
Edit wherever it suits your schedule and needs. In this example, we will use what is generated.

Objective: Create an eye-catching, visually appealing logo design for the startup that serves as a representation of their brand.

• Develop a logo design that conveys the brand identity of the startup
• Provide a logo design that is unique and eye-catching

• Research other similar logo designs and trends (1 day)
• Brainstorm and develop design concepts (2 days)
• Review and refine logo design concepts (2 days)
• Present logo design concepts to client (1 day)
• Produce final logo design (2 days)

• Deliver Design Concepts - 5 days
• Deliver Final Logo Design- 7 days

• Research and Brainstorming - 3 days
• Concept Presentation - 4 days
• Final Logo Design - 7 days

Step 3: Finalize and Edit

Instead of "Dear Hiring Manager", take the time to find out the client's name (look at their profile's feedback and how other freelancers address them) and address them directly. Doing so will capture the client's curiosity, seeing how you know their name, and draw them to your profile to investigate. It also conveys your clear interest in the job and working with that person, making the application much more personal.Stitch both results from Freelance Job Proposals and Freelance Job Plans together. Here's the finalized copy of your job proposal:

Dear Andrea,

I am writing to express my interest in the Logo Design for Technology Start-up position. Having come across your posting, I am confident that I possess the required skill and expertise to fulfill the job requirements.

I believe my qualifications and experience are a perfect fit for the position. I have been researching and designing logos for the past three years and I understand the importance of creating unique and creative designs that will make a lasting impression. My work has been featured on various online platforms and I have a portfolio of well executed logo designs.

I am familiar with the industry and have a good understanding of the different social media platforms, terminology and audiences. I am confident that I can incorporate the client’s vision into a logo design that they will be proud of.

Here's the breakdown of the job and a plan on how I'll complete it,
Objective: Create an eye-catching, visually appealing logo design for the startup that serves as a representation of their brand.

• Develop a logo design that conveys the brand identity of the startup
• Provide a logo design that is unique and eye-catching

• Research other similar logo designs and trends (1 day)
• Brainstorm and develop design concepts (2 days)
• Review and refine logo design concepts (2 days)
• Present logo design concepts to client (1 day)
• Produce final logo design (2 days)

• Deliver Design Concepts - 5 days
• Deliver Final Logo Design- 7 days

• Research and Brainstorming - 3 days
• Concept Presentation - 4 days
• Final Logo Design - 7 days

If given the opportunity, I am confident that I can exceed your expectations. Please find attached my portfolio and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions. I would welcome the possibility to further discuss my candidacy.

Thank you for your consideration.


Done! You now have a job proposal that stands out from the masses who are delivering unoriginal offers while yours is individualized and outshines the rest.

Maximise your efficiency as a freelancer with Autocreate

Autocreate is a powerful, AI-driven proposal maker designed to assist freelancers to produce winning proposals faster than ever before. Think of the time saved when you generate a proposal in minutes rather then taking days or weeks and there’s no stopping you with the dreaded process of coming up with individualized proposals. The quicker the proposal is drafted, the more time you have to provide value for your clients. Begin taking advantage of Autocreate today by signing up and have a winning proposal in minutes.

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