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All Features

Articles And Blogs

Ads And Marketing Tools

General Writing



Sales Copy

Social Media

Website Copy


Youtube Titles

Catchy titles that attract more views and increase the number of shares.

Analogy Maker

Unique analogies that make your sales pitch more memorable and engaging.

Product Names

Catchy and meaningful names that fit your product or service.

AIDA Framework

A framework that helps to create persuasive and effective marketing messages by focusing on Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.

Amazon Product Descriptions

Well-written product descriptions optimized for Amazon's search algorithm that can help increase visibility and sales.


Quick and accurate responses to a wide variety of questions.

Before After Bridge

A technique used in copywriting to create a sense of transformation by highlighting the difference before and after using a product or service.

Bullet Point Answers

Quick and easy-to-read answers presented in bullet points.

Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) is a message or button that encourages the audience to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

Content Rephrase

A tool that rephrases existing content to make it more engaging and unique.

Content Shorten

A tool that shortens text to make it more concise and to the point.


Well-written emails for a variety of situations, such as follow-ups, networking, and sales.

Facebook Ads

Well-written Facebook ads that can help increase visibility and conversions.

Freelance Job Proposals

Professional proposals to help increase the chances of getting a freelance job.

Google Ad Descriptions

Descriptions for Google Ads that are optimized to increase visibility and clicks.

Instagram Captions

Engaging captions for Instagram posts that can help increase engagement and reach.

Keyword Extractor

Tool that extracts keywords from text, making it easier to optimize for search engines.

LinkedIn Ad Descriptions

Descriptions for LinkedIn ads that are optimized to increase visibility and clicks.

Marketing Angles

A variety of angles to help market a product or service in a unique and compelling way.

Pain Agitate Solutions

A copywriting technique that highlights a problem, agitates it, and then provides a solution.

Passive to Active Voice

A tool that converts text written in the passive voice to the active voice, making it more engaging and direct.

Product Testimonials

Well-written product testimonials that can help increase conversions and trust.

Pros and Cons

Lists of the pros and cons of a product or service that can help customers make a decision.


A variety of well-written questions to help increase engagement and encourage discussion.

Review Responder

A tool that helps you respond to reviews in a professional manner.

SEO Meta Tags for Blog Post

Optimized SEO meta tags for blog posts that can help increase visibility and traffic.

Text Expander

A tool that expands abbreviations and shortcuts into full phrases, saving time and increasing productivity.

Product Review Responder

Automatically generated responses to customer reviews, that help you build a positive reputation and improve customer satisfaction.

Product Descriptions

Clear and compelling descriptions of your products that highlight their key features and benefits to potential customers.

QUEST Copywriting

A copywriting technique that involves using questions to engage the reader and guide them through the sales process.

Quora Answers

Well-written answers to popular questions on Quora, that can be used to establish your authority and drive traffic to your website.

Quora Questions

A list of popular questions on Quora that can be used to generate content ideas or find potential customers.

Amazon Product Features

Descriptions of key features and benefits of a product listed on Amazon.

Amazon Product Titles

Attention-grabbing titles for products listed on Amazon, optimized for search and conversion.

Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads Headline

Headlines for sponsored brand ads on Amazon that highlight the unique selling points of the product.

Company Bios

Short descriptions of a company's history, mission, and values.

Company Mission

A statement of a company's purpose and goals.

Company Vision

A statement of a company's long-term aspirations and future direction.

Dating Conversation Openers

Interesting and engaging opening lines to start a conversation on a dating app or website.

Dating Message Replies

Thoughtful and engaging responses to messages received on a dating app or website.

Dating Profile Bios

Descriptive and attention-grabbing bios for dating profiles that showcase personality and interests.


Clear and concise explanations of a word or phrase.

Email Replies

Professional and courteous responses to emails.

Feature Advantage Benefit

A format for describing a product's features, the advantages they offer, and the benefits to the customer.

Google Ad Headlines

Headlines for Google ads that grab attention and drive click-throughs.

Google Ads

Advertisements on Google search engine and its network of partner sites.

Growth Ideas

Strategies and tactics for growing a business or increasing revenue.

Instagram Chat Openers

Interesting and engaging opening lines to start a conversation on Instagram.

Instagram Comment Replies

Thoughtful and engaging responses to comments on Instagram posts.

Instagram Comments

Comments on Instagram posts that engage with the content and encourage conversation.

Instagram Trending Hashtags

Popular hashtags on Instagram that can increase visibility and engagement.

Landing Page Headlines

Headlines for landing pages that grab attention and drive conversions.

LinkedIn Ad Headlines

Headlines for LinkedIn ads that grab attention and drive click-throughs.

LinkedIn Ads

Advertisements on LinkedIn search engine and its network of partner sites.

LinkedIn Comment Replies

Thoughtful and engaging responses to comments on LinkedIn posts.

LinkedIn Comments

Comments on LinkedIn posts that engage with the content and encourage conversation.

LinkedIn Outreach Messages

Professional and courteous messages for reaching out to potential clients or partners on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Posts

Posts on LinkedIn that engage with the audience and encourage conversation.

Listicle Ideas

Ideas for creating list-based articles that are easy to read and share.

Message Replies

Thoughtful and engaging responses to messages on various platforms.


Short messages that inform users of important updates or events.

Paragraph Writer

Automatically generates a paragraph on a given topic with a single click.

Personal Bios

Short descriptions of a person's background, experience, and accomplishments.

Problem Promise Proof Proposal

A format for describing a problem, a promise to solve it, proof that the solution works, and a proposal for implementation.

Reddit Chat Openers

Interesting and engaging opening lines to start a conversation on Reddit.

Article Outlines

A tool that helps you organize and structure your article/blog post by providing a clear outline of the key points and sections.

Product Reviews

Automatically generated reviews for products, highlighting the key features and benefits.

Reddit Comment Replies

Suggested responses to comments on Reddit posts, tailored to the context and tone of the comment.

Reddit Comments

Automatically generated comments for specific topics or posts on Reddit.

Reddit Posts

AI-generated posts for various subreddits, tailored to the audience and purpose of the subreddit.

Rewrite with Keywords

A tool that allows you to rewrite an existing piece of text while incorporating specific keywords to optimize for SEO.

SEO Meta Tags for Homepage

Automatically generated meta tags for the homepage of a website, optimized for search engine ranking.

SEO Meta Tags for Product Page

Automatically generated meta tags for a product page on a website, optimized for search engine ranking.

Song Lyrics

AI-generated lyrics for songs, tailored to a specific genre or style.

Startup Ideas

Ideas for new startups and businesses, generated by AI.


Automatically generated stories, tailored to a specific genre or audience.

Tiktok Chat Openers

Suggested opening lines for initiating a conversation on TikTok.

Tiktok Comment Replies

Suggested responses to comments on TikTok posts, tailored to the context and tone of the comment.

Tiktok Comments

Automatically generated comments for specific topics or posts on TikTok.

Tiktok Descriptions

AI-generated descriptions for TikTok posts, optimized for engagement.

Tiktok Hooks

Suggested hooks or opening lines for TikTok posts, designed to capture the audience's attention.

Tiktok Ideas

Ideas for new TikTok content, generated by AI.

Tiktok Scripts

AI-generated scripts for TikTok videos, tailored to a specific genre or audience.

Tone Changer

A tool that allows you to change the tone of a piece of text, such as from formal to casual.


A tool that allows you to translate text from one language to another.

Twitter Chat Openers

Suggested opening lines for initiating a conversation on Twitter.

Twitter Comment Replies

Suggested responses to comments on Twitter posts, tailored to the context and tone of the comment.

Twitter Comments

Automatically generated comments for specific topics or posts on Twitter.

Twitter Threads

AI-generated threads for Twitter, tailored to a specific audience or topic.

Twitter Tweets

Automatically generated tweets, tailored to a specific audience or topic.

Youtube Comment Replies

Suggested responses to comments on Youtube posts, tailored to the context and tone of the comment.

Youtube Comments

Automatically generated comments for specific topics or posts on Youtube.

Youtube Descriptions

AI-generated descriptions for Youtube videos, optimized for engagement.

Youtube Hooks

Suggested hooks or opening lines for Youtube videos, designed to capture the audience's attention.

Youtube Ideas

Ideas for new Youtube content, generated by AI.

Youtube Outlines

A tool that helps you organize and structure your Youtube video by providing a clear outline of the key points and sections.

Youtube Scripts

AI-generated scripts for Youtube videos, tailored to a specific genre or audience.

Article Ideas

A feature that generates a list of potential article ideas based on topic suggestions.

Article Intros

A feature that generates an introduction for an article based on the topic and desired tone.

Cover Letters

Professional and personalized cover letters to help increase the chances of getting a job.


Professional and personalized resumes that can help increase the chances of getting a job.

Case Study Ideas

Ideas for creating case studies that showcase the impact of a product or service on a customer's business.


Automatically generated reviews for products, services, or businesses, highlighting key features and benefits.

Social Proof

Statements or testimonials that demonstrate the popularity or effectiveness of a product or service.


AI-generated testimonials for products, services, or businesses.

Personal Stories

Narratives that share a person's experiences, insights, and lessons learned.

Article Rewriter

A feature that rephrases and reorganizes the content of an existing article to create a new, unique version.

Instant Article Writer

Automatically generates an article on a given title with a single click.

Freelance Job Plans

Generate a straightforward plan that shows how you’ll complete a project, detailing goals, tasks, deadlines, and milestones.

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